Instructor: Simon Senzon, MA, DC
8 Credit Hours
Course Description & Objectives: Students will demonstrate knowledge in the early history of chiropractic, including the legal, social, and cultural circumstances surrounding the emergence of philosophy in chiropractic and the recognition of chiropractic as a separate and distinct profession. Further, the student will learn the Integral Framework as a way to more fully understand the traditional conflicts in the philosophy and politics of the chiropractic profession. This framework will also provide a more thorough way to interpret the principles of chiropractic as they relate to biological systems, dynamical systems theory, as well as health and wellness in relation to body, mind, and spirit.
Format: Online learning with video and PowerPoint presentations.
Approved Provinces: NL, ON, QC
Approved PACE States: AK, KS, ME, NV
Approved States: CO, CT, DE, DC, GA**, ID, IL, IA, MD, MA, MN, MO, MT, NC, NE, NH, NJ, NY, OH, OR, PA, RI, SC, UT, VT, VA, VI, WA, WY
Approved Territory: PR
It is the responsibility of the participant to ensure that the program is approved in the state to which they would like to receive credit.
*Approval of this course is not acknowledgment or ruling by the Board that the methods taught in this course are recognized and approved by the Board as the appropriate practice of chiropractic as defined in Section 331.010, RSMo.
**Georgia has approved a maximum of 3 credit hours under the category of philosophy.
“Postgraduate programs sponsored, co-sponsored or hosted by Sherman College of Chiropractic may not always reflect the views of the college or its employees.”
Chiropractic Principles 201:
The Need for Discourse in the Philosophy of Chiropractic
This first lecture describes the professional debate in chiropractic about scope of practice and emphasizes the importance of intellectual rigor. The different paradigms within chiropractic are described. An introduction to the Integral Approach is discussed as a way to move chiropractic forward in four domains, which include theory, practice, science, and culture.
Chiropractic Principles 202:
An Integral Approach to Chiropractic Principles
Multiple approaches to chiropractic’s perspective on health, wellness, and personal growth are described. An Integral Theory to chiropractic principles and practice is discussed. Qualitative, quantitative, interpretive, social & economic ways to view chiropractic research is proposed. The lecture includes the importance of consciousness studies in chiropractic principles and B.J. Palmer's use of second-person perspectives as central to chiropractic theory and practice.
Chiropractic Principles 203:
Perspectives on Chiropractic Principles and Practice
The philosophy of chiropractic is discussed in terms of exterior perspectives. A four-quadrant view of chiropractic principles is described. The Morikubo case is discussed in conjunction with the expansion of philosophy and emphasis of vertebral subluxation in the profession. Exploring the implications of the "legal ploy" argument against philosophy in chiropractic. How D.D. Palmer's life was shaped by legal struggles.
Chiropractic Principles 204:
The Impact of Social and Cultural Forces on Chiropractic
Early philosophers of chiropractic are discussed. Understanding D.D. Palmer’s inclusion of morality and religion in his later writings on chiropractic is described including D.D. Palmer’s Traveling Library and the early influences on his ideas of chiropractic. Principles of chiropractic are examined in four-quadrants.
Chiropractic Principles 205:
An Integral Biography of B.J. Palmer
B.J. Palmer's personal evolution is described. B.J. Palmer's life is discussed in personal, behavioral, cultural, and social terms. Chiropractic principles are described in terms of social development. A developmental view of B.J. Palmer's life is undertaken. An emphasis on Palmer’s “uneven” development and its relevance for chiropractic today is central to this lecture.
Chiropractic Principles 206:
Perspectives on B.J. Palmer's spiritual writings
States and stages of consciousness are described in relation to the philosophy of chiropractic. A framework to include chiropractic writings on psycho-spiritual development is established. B.J. Palmer's later writings on Innate Intelligence are interpreted. The principles of chiropractic are contextualized within cultural history. Chiropractic as a leading cultural movement is discussed.
Chiropractic Principles 207:
Chiropractic and Developmental Studies
The postconventional worldview is defined. Dogmatic and Expert perspectives on chiropractic are discussed. Rational and mechanistic thinking in chiropractic is defined based on the developmental psychology literature. Pluralistic perspectives on chiropractic are interpreted. Vertebral Subluxation is defined from many perspectives.
Chiropractic Principles 208:
Philosophy of Chiropractic and Systems Thinking
D.D. Palmer is described as an early systems thinker. A short history of systems thinking for chiropractors is developed. Chiropractic’s use of systems theory in research and practice is defined. Three schools of thought on Innate Intelligence are introduced. Interior and exterior measures of health for chiropractic research is discussed.