Instructor: Simon Senzon, MA, DC
2 Credit Hours
Course Description: This lecture explores the premise that chiropractic models originate with an early systems thinking perspective. Thus the chiropractic profession and twentieth century theoretical biology have many similarities. Taking this approach allows for a more integrative view of the chiropractic principles and it also helps the modern chiropractor to understand the literature on this topic. Several chiropractic models in the last few decades have explicitly integrated a systems approach.
Format: Online learning with audio and PowerPoint presentations.
Approved Provinces: NL, ON, QC
Approved PACE States: AK, KS, ME, NV
Approved States: CA, CO, CT, DE, DC, GA**, ID, IL, IA, MD, MA, MN, MO, MT, NC, NE, NH, NJ, NY, OH, OR, PA, RI, SC, UT, VT, VA, VI, WA, WY
Approved Territory: PR
It is the responsibility of the participant to ensure that the program is approved in the state to which they would like to receive credit.
*Approval of this course is not acknowledgment or ruling by the Board that the methods taught in this course are recognized and approved by the Board as the appropriate practice of chiropractic as defined in Section 331.010, RSMo.
**Georgia has approved a maximum of 3 credit hours under the category of philosophy.
“Postgraduate programs sponsored, co-sponsored or hosted by Sherman College of Chiropractic may not always reflect the views of the college or its employees.”
Chiropractic Principles 424:
Early Chiropractic Systems Approaches
This lecture explores D.D. Palmer’s chiropractic paradigm from five different perspectives. Doing so allows the modern chiropractor to better interpret some of Palmer’s more complex ideas. Palmer’s approach is defined as the chiropractic paradigm and it is contrasted against the approaches of his students, especially those who attempted to integrate chiropractic with naturopathic models and biomedical models. Approaches of several early chiropractic theorists are described in this context.
Chiropractic Principles 425:
Chiropractic Theories and Systems Science
Several chiropractic theories emerged that were congruent with systems science such as B.J. Palmer’s models from his earliest books as well as some of his later ideas in the 1930-1950s. Other early theorists that had systems approaches included Logan, Verner, Homewood, and R.J. Watkins. Systems theory and Chaos theory developed in the twentieth century as a way to capture the complexity of living processes. Many of the core ideas from these theories were integrated into chiropractic in the 1990s. Some of the chiropractic subluxation theorists from this period include Epstein, Boone, Brown, Filippi, Phillips, Coulter, and Newell. By understanding the similarities between chiropractic principles and systems science modern chiropractors can better interpret the literature and apply it to practice.
Suggested References:
Palmer, D.D. The Chiropractor’s Adjuster. (1910).
Palmer, B.J. The Philosophy of Chiropractic (1909).
Verner, J.R. The Science and Logic of Chiropractic (1941).
Harper, W.D. Anything Can Cause Anything. (1966).
Homewood. The Neurodynamics of the Vertebral Subluxation (1961).
Capra and Luisi. The Systems View of Life. (2014).