Sherman College of Chiropractic

X-Ray Safety for the Chiropractor

Instructor: David Smith, DC

4 Credit Hours

Course Objective: This course will cover x-ray safety and the fundamentals of radiology. This course will provide the 4 hours of x-ray safety required for chiropractors in the state of Pennsylvania.  

Format: Online learning with audio visual and PowerPoint presentation.

Approved Provinces: NL, ON, QC

Province Exceptions: NS *Contact the Nova Scotia College of Chiropractors for Continuing Education Approval

Approved States: CO, CT, DE, DC, ID, IL, IA, MD, MA, MT, NE, NJ, OH, OR, PA, RI, SC, UT, VT, VA, VI, WA, WY

Approved Territory: PR

It is the responsibility of the participant to ensure that the program is approved in the state to which they would like to receive credit.

“Postgraduate programs sponsored, co-sponsored or hosted by Sherman College of Chiropractic may not always reflect the views of the college or its employees.